The King of Arcadia is angry when Atalanta is born in the story "Atalanta, the Fleet-Footed Huntress" because Atalanta is a girl and the king wanted a son, a child who could take over his majesty.
Two structures used in the text are:
descriptions and sequences.
The reasons backing this answer are that in the first place descriptions are made to explain certain topics or provide information so that the reader can understand the perspective of the author. Also, the sequence is a progressive order that the author established to communicate his ideas so they can be understood by the author. In other words, the author is going to deliver information progressively according to the state of the development o the description it does.
Most involved violence, required the intervention of government militias or troops, and ended only after government intervention
Thoreau, an important Transcendentalist, believes that people need to live an honest life. This can be applied to McCandless because he lived a few years of his life with nearly nothing. He disposed of all of his possessions because he simply thought they were unimportant in life.
I hope this helps you.