La principal razón por la cual la economía exportadora de América Latina repuntó después de la Primera Guerra Mundial fue el hecho de que, tras la guerra, los centros de producción de materia prima de Europa habían quedado destruidos o gravemente dañados. Ademas, las potencias europeas no podían focalizarse en la explotación de sus colonias en África, dado que debían primero reestablecer sus economías internas.
Esta situación generó que los países del único continente en el que no se había desarrollado el conflicto, América, se convirtieran en los principales productores de materias primas a nivel global. Así, países como Argentina, Brasil o México se convirtieron en los principales proveedores de granos y carnes de las grandes potencias europeas, principalmente Gran Bretaña y Francia.
A. The Social Contract
Thomas Hobbes is known for his social contract theory. It explains that people within a government have obligations to fulfill for the country. The government, on the other hand, have to grant the rights of the people. Two are bound to each with a social contract, an agreement. However, if the government neglects its duties to the people, they have the right not to follow or replace those that are in the leadership.
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The most recent attempt to re-energize the free trade movement in Africa occurred in early 2001, when Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, member states of the East African Community (EAC), committed themselves to relaunching their bloc, 24 years after it collapsed. These countries have 80 million inhabitants and intend to establish a customs union, regional court, legislative assembly, and eventually a political federation. Includes cooperation on immigration, road and telecommunications networks, investment, and capital markets. East African Community was originally founded in 1967, dissolved in 1977, and revived with the Treaty for the Establishment of the East African Community signed in 1999 by Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania. Burundi and Rwanda became members in 2007 while South Sudan gained accession in April 2016.
claiming that the boundary was the Nueces River to the northeast of the Rio Grande, considered the advance of Taylor's army an act of aggression