I think the answer is 1. after
they wouldnt be identical because for example Guanine could be paired with thymine in the original DNA strand but could decide to pair with adenine in the replication DNA. that would make a different type of DNA.
DNA replication is a beautiful process. In DNA replication adenine only pairs with thymine and guanine only pairs with cytosine. this ensures that a replication of the DNA will be the same type of DNA.
Replication works like this. Helicase splits open the DNA and each side is copied by DNA polymerase. If let's say the nucleotide bases for side 1 are ATGCGA then the DNA polymerase will pair these with the matching bases TACGCT which will make the same DNA but if each base could pair with any base they want that could create a few different variations of the original DNA. ATGCGA could very well be paired with TCGACA or CGACTA which would created two different types of DNA.
Answer: 3(three)
In the biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine from ethanolamine and triglyceride, 3 high energy molecules are used in the first and second step.
The first steps occur in the cytosol, where ethanolamine is phosphorlated with ATP to give phosphoethanolamine and ADP by the enzyme ethanolamine kinases, and in the next reaction which is the rate-limiting step, phosphoethanolamine react with cytidine triphosphate (CTP) to form cytidine diphosphoethanolamine. In this reaction two molecules of phosphate group is given off.
The third step occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum CDP-ethanolamine react with diacylglycerol to form phosphatidylethanolamine.
The answer is Three high energy molecules. One molecule of ATP to form phosphorylethanolamine and two molecules of ATP to regenerate CTP from CMP.
Number a is the real evidence of that question
Ascomycota basidiomycota deuteromycota zygomycota