The form of Keats' "On the Sea" quite literally mimics the appearance of the sea. The structure of the lines mimics the formation of waves. Thanks to the way the lines are indented, the poem appears to undulate, much like the waves of the sea. In this poem, the poem's structure and subject matter are intertwined
A game is usually a competitive activity between two competing sides. It's a dangerous game because it's involving the attempt of a murder of Rainsford by Zaroff via hunting. It's also dangerous because of the environment in which they dwell and the other forces working towards his downfall such as Ivan and the dogs. While games are usually fun and enjoyable, the title of The Most Dangerous Game is ironic in that it's a life or death situation and a battle of wits, and it involves being chased or found like in tag or hide and seek.
In The Metamorphosis of the Dnieper, the Volga, and the Dvina (which are all rivers in Russia), the purpose of mythology that the story fulfills is explanation of natural phenomena. The creation of these rivers is what makes the plot of the story.
Squanto was the interpreter for Massaoit (the Wampanoag Chief) and helped establish a treaty between the Pilgrims and Wampanoag's as well as helped the Pilgrims to survive with crops.