From beowulf, "grendel’s mother" and "the battle with grendel’s mother" which of these anglo-saxon values is most in evidence when the geats sit by the lake as beowulf does battle with grendel’s mother? a. loyalty b. resignation c. strength
I think that is “none of these” since a plot is a sequence of event in a story and each causes or lead to the next. Events of the plot reveal a problem called the conflict.
<span>He could have spoken at a steady pace and volume throughout the presentation.</span>
The river water can also be used for irrigation purposes. Agriculture is the main occupation of Nepali people, so irrigation is of great significance.
2. The correct answer is <em>Figurative language</em> what is used to make something simple something mulltidimensional. In this way, the reader can imagine more about what is written.
5. The right answer is metaphor. In literature is used to directly compare two things to give an efficient idea of one of them. This word makes reference to the similar things without using as or like.
8. A complete sentence is characterized for having a verb, expressing a full idea and making sense when it is alone, meaning without necessary in a text. The one that meet these requirements is the first one <em>Notice that the fragment is frequently a dependent clause or long phrase that follows the main clause</em>.