1. monopoly can cause deadweight loss, or a lack of equilibrium between supply and demand.
2. disadvantages of monopolies include price-fixing, low-quality products, lack of incentive for innovation, and cost-push inflation.
3. it can cause inequality, and political abuse.
4. Monopoly tends to limit options available to consumers. Monopoly results in allocative inefficiency--in other words, the monopoly price is higher than the marginal cost of production. Profits do not encourage entry into the industry.
Ferguson. Brown II, issued in 1955, decreed that the dismantling of separate school systems for Black and white students could proceed with "all deliberate speed," a phrase that pleased neither supporters or opponents of integration.
13. C algae helps the ocean
14. A makes the most sense
In the debate over the ratification of the U.S constitution, a
Federalist would have argued that the Articles of Confederation were far
too weak, and needed to be replaced with a stronger document.