1.The “space race” started in the 1950s after the Cold War turned the United States and Soviet Union into enemies. Both nations wanted to prove they had the best technology and ideology.
2.Sputnik, the first man-made object to enter Earth’s orbit in 1957, is the Russian word for traveler.
3.The US Army actually built the first American satellite in 1958 since NASA wasn’t formed until later that year.
4.President John F. Kennedy further ignited the space race in 1961, saying “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.”
5.Top Secret! From 1960 to 1972 in a reconnaissance project code-named Corona, the United States routinely photographed the Soviet Union from space.
6.Soviets launched 26-year-old Valentina Tereshkova into orbit on June 16th, 1963, making her the first woman ever in space. You go, girl!
7.Apollo 8 was the first manned space mission to orbit the moon in 1968.
8.This mission also photographed the first earthrise.
9.Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men on the moon in 1969. Since then, 10 American men have also performed spacewalks. However, no one has returned to the moon since 1972.
C. He founded an organization known as the American Anti-Slavery Society.
1. The importance of the animals in the Paleolithic and Neolithic art is very big. The importance can be seen in the fact that the humans have been depicting the animals because they were part of their daily lives, be it in a positive or negative manner. The animals that have been included int he art are animals from which the humans depended for food, but also animals that have been deeply respected and feared, with maybe even spiritual motives in the background about some them.
2. The relationship of the hunter-artist with the environment is personal. The hunter-artist has been depicting what he/she was seeing, experiencing, using, fearing, respecting, on daily basis. The environment was the one that provided life, but it was also the one that was able to end it very easily, so the hunter-artist was focusing on both ways in a simplified manner, by using the both ends of the spectrum of it.
3. The hunter-artists used the geography and the fauna as the basis for the art. The reason for this lies primarily because those were the things that the hunter-artists was dependent on, and those were the things that were known, with which there was constant interaction on a daily basis. The hunter-artist was practically depicting the basis of his/hers life, by using the geography and the fauna as the basic motifs for the art.
4. There are several theories that are out there about the popularity of the animals in the Paleolithic art, some of which are better accepted than others. One of the theories is that the hunter-artist was simply expressing through art what he/she was experiencing on a daily basis. Another one is that the art was used for teaching the youngsters about the animals, which are good for hunting, and which are to be avoided because they are dangerous. There's even a theory that suggests that the art was made so that if other hunters came, they will see it and be aware of what kind of animals live in that area.
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