Well, your question is "How" do you answer the question, so I won't give you the answers (because I have no clue anyways)
Your simply answer 7-15 by filling in the missing word in the box. The sentences are missing words, and you have to find the correct form of that word that fits the sentence and makes it complete. In spanish, of course.
~Hope this helps!
In this case, I'm assuming Renee is a name, like Renata in Spanish, and we're going to use the pronoun Vosotros, we're going to do the best present tense conjugation with this pronoun.
Renee quiere aclarar a vosotros las instrucciones.
Renee se va a unir a vosotros.
Renee quiere cantar para vosotros.
¿Vosotros sois amigos de Renee?
That is the right answer
juana se maquilla todos los dias
mis amigos se entrenan los fines de semana
yo me bano con jabon
tu te afeitas con crema de afeitar
i speak english spanish and french :)