They were written to establish a new government among colonists, they failed bev ause they restricted the economy and provides no public service
The effect of a long tradition of dictators have on a country is that, policy and governance wise, it will become more stable and more consistent because what he or she thinks good for the country is always implemented. The downside of having a dictator is that the things that he think is good might not be good among other people. In other words, abuse of power.
The majority of people who immigrated to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s worked at challenging jobs in the cities. They worked in the industrial field.
Periods of mass immigration occurred from 1880 to 1920. During these periods the contribution of immigrants and their offspring to the growth and transformation of the American labor industry was quite high. This can be seen from the presence of immigrant communities and their homes in big cities, even with varying living conditions. Based on this fact, it means that they were the mainstay of the American industrial workforce.
In 1920, more than half of manufacturing workers were immigrants and their children. If it’s calculated with the third generation (grandchildren of immigrants), there were more than two-thirds of workers in the manufacturing sector are immigrants. On the other hand, native-born workers were seen as less interested in the industrial field, although higher wages were received plus better working conditions. The pace and scale of the American industrial revolution seemed to slow down if judged from there.
In the 1920s, the door to mass immigration was closed. This is an attempt by the government to increase recruitment for native-born workers, especially native Southern workers sent to industrial cities in the north.
If you’re interested in learning more about this topic, we recommend you to also take a look at the following questions:
• How is the American workforce changing
KEYWORD: imigrant, industry, America
Subject: History
Class: 10 - 12
Subchapter: Mass Immigration
Hitler served as the political leader of the Nazis. Hitler wished for Germany to become powerful and the world's superpower. He instigated several large-scale movements among his people because he wanted other nations to support Germany. In order to do this, Hitler also began the World War. While doing so, the Khmer Rouge assisted him by establishing communism in the nation. Both of them shared the ideologies of the other. Consequently, both became powerful.
The frontier ceased to exist because settlers claimed more than 11 million acres of former Indian land and most of the frontier was now settled.