Answer and Explanation:
Why does enzyme activity plateau as substrate concentration increases?
Simple. The enzyme is saturated, now all available enzyme molecules are busy processing substrates.
I don’t think so. I believe it’s covalent bond that is formed.
except option 2 all of them are applied
Electroencephalography is used to measure brain activity in terms of electrical activity. It is done by attaching electrodes on the scalp, or sometimes by placing electrodes directly in the brain. Using electroencephalography can help determine when the fetus starts having its own brain activities, which means that it is now a separate entity distinguishable from its mother. Using electroencephalography to see brain waves can give us a deeper insight into the age old complicated issue of when a mother and her conceptus become separate individuals.
The answer is: a. Climacteric
Climacteric is the time in the midlife of a woman that starts with the diminution in ovarian activity (less production of estrogen and progesterone) until the end of ovarian function. It is the compilation of gradual changes of ovarian function that happen before the menopause (cessation of menses) and continue for a while.
The phases of the climacteric are pre-menopause, menopause and post-menopause. During the pre-menopause, hormonal changes will take place, there is a decrease in estrogen and progesterone production.