Pinhole is basic camera without the lens and box shaped.
- It is a simplest form of camera with a small aperture and without the lens.
- It contains light proof box, a pinhole and a category of film.
- Pinhole is a tiny hole which we made by the pin of aluminum foil.
- It is used to capture the suns movement for a long time period.
- It is used for the reason of artistic.
- The production of real and image with inverted position which is lesser than the object.
- Pinhole occluders is used by the orthoptists, optometrists, the visual acuity is tested.
The world would literally go crazy but nobody would listen to the rule
You can keep your house cleen and mack sore there is noth that you can trip on and you have to macke shor you pay atticion to you sroings lol
i how you like them and have a good day lolol
So all you have to do is look around your house and see what texture you can see and what things feel rough. Or if it feels smooth, soft, hard, light or heavy then that is what you write.