Here's what I found
To use an aggregate device with Logic:
Open Logic Pro or Logic Express.
Choose Logic Pro > Preferences > Audio or Logic Express > Preferences > Audio and select the Devices tab.
Select the Output Device drop-down menu and choose the aggregate device from the list. ...
Click Apply Changes at the bottom-right of the window.
humans,washing mashines,dish washers
value = whatever you want
if not value < 13.6:
print("Value is greater than or equal to 13.6.")
print("Value is less than 13.6.")
def feet_to_inches( feet ):
inches = feet * 12
print(inches, "inches")
The code is written in python. The unit for conversion base on your question is that 1 ft = 12 inches. Therefore,
def feet_to_inches( feet ):
This code we define a function and pass the argument as feet which is the length in ft that is required when we call the function.
inches = feet * 12
Here the length in ft is been converted to inches by multiplying by 12.
print(inches, "inches")
Here we print the value in inches .
Here we call the function and pass the argument in feet to be converted