Since working conditions were terrible, workers felt like they needed a voice so people could listen and improve these conditions. The women were excluded from the unions that were made so they formed their own. They wanted better wages and benefits.
<span>New England and Middle.</span>
1) Hughes invented Hughes Aircraft in 1932 which helped form many ideas and inventions in aerospace tech.
2) Hughes drill bit was named "Rock Eater" because it penetrated medium and hard work with 10 times more speed then any former bit.
3) (I don't know if were still talking about the drill bit or what but here's my answer for that) "Rock Eater" found virtually all the oil discovered in the glory days of wildcatting, making Howard the richest man in the world at the time.
4) "Rock Eater" penetrated 14 feet of hard rock in 11 hours which no previous equipment had been able to penetrate.
5) It greatly effected the oil industry and the Hughes Tool Company.
(Really hope this helps!! Sorry if any of these are incorrect, if they are I am very very sorry! Have a lovely day by the way! <3)
Stalin wanted the US and Great Britain to open a second front in France because it would divide the German military. During the time of this statement, Germany's only real military threat came from the Soviet Union. With this in mind, Hitler had the ability to put a huge number of troops on the Soviet Union/German border.
However, if the US and Great Britain planned an invasion through France, that means Hitler would have to move hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions, of troops to France. France, in relation to the Soviet Union, was over 1,000 miles away.
Forcing Germany to fight this two front war would decrease their chance of success.