Third one: Disapproval of....involvement. <span />
after u done reading the previous one
it feels like her journey is always crazy no matter what, there is never a dull moment.Explanation:
Lenina is disturbed by the sight of the ocean-brave new wold because, In Brave new world, on their first date (lenina and Bernard) , Lenina realized that Bernard doesn't want to be around people. She finds it awful when he refused to take soma and his insistence to the ocean. She just fell comfortable and think all is well when they go to bed together.
Francie with age experienced the problem of loneliness because she never had any friends.
Betty Smith's "A tree grows in Brooklyn", there is a story of a girl named Francie. With age she experienced the problem of loneliness. When she was young, she had no friends and she used to play with her imaginary friends.
When she grew up, there was again loneliness in her life, but by then she had developed the habits of reading books and made books her best friends. She used to spend time with books like they were her companion. The readers who read this book or who love to read, consider books as their best friends and companion.