Maybe you lol. You sound like an awesome gamer.
late 1800s-early 1900s
first truly American type of music
dance based
syncopated and light hearted
wasn't improvised - written down which made it classical in a sense
problem = cannot be changed (like classical music)
restricted, it all sounded the same
piano, AABBCCDD style
Used 11 times
Texture can be the line quality of a design. With texture, lines and surfaces can be described as smooth and rough.
Texture is very important in the perception of surface quality which creates sensations and experiences. Physical Texture is the texture you can actually feel with your hand, while visual Texture is the illusion of physical texture, created with the materials used in the art piece.
Ans: Overall intense colors, repeated shapes or consistently hard edges create unity . A dominant color will also unify a painting.