1- waffles or pancakes
2- cereal
3- oatmeal
1- pizza
2- chicken soup
3- tacos
1- Spaghetti
2- mac n cheese
3- sandwich (peanut butter/ jelly or something)
The region (region) of Cibao, in the Dominican Republic, wants to promote (promote) the (1) conservation of rural tourism through a series of conservation programs of the (2) of the area. Environmental specialists will offer workshops to learn (3) garbage and thus preserve its beauty (4) and not (5) the field with industrial waste (industrial waste). When teaching to protect trees and plants, this program will also (6) solve the problems of (7) of (8). It will also teach no (9) and use (10) that cause less damage than gasoline, such as diesel and biodiesel. This program of (11) resources will improve the area and attract more tourists to rural areas
Yo solia cantar.
Hope this helps.
June solstice and Aymara new year day
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