The correct answer is - parasite.
In the symbiotic relationship of where one of the symbiotic partner get benefited in the symbiosis and other partner harmed is known as the parasitism.
In this parasitism symbiotic relationship, the organism harmed called the host while the other partner that gets benefited from the parasitism is termed parasite.
A cell wall
Plant cells are enclosed by a rigid cell wall. When the plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution , it takes up water by osmosis and starts to swell, but the cell wall prevents it from bursting.
That would refer to naked seeds :)
The answer is (A. mitosis)
Insects, arachnids, and crustaceans
Insects have 3 body segments. (head, thorax, abdomen)
Have a hard exoskeleton made of chitin.
Appendages be used for feeding, defense, sensory and reception.
Invertebrate phyla that obtains oxygen by using gills (marine) or air tubes (terrestrial.)
Use pincers and stingers as attack weapons to defend themselves
Characterized by having jointed legs, segmented bodies, and sometimes wings