Im pretty sure it was when he realized Wendy was growing up.
I'm not 100% sure this is right though...
Smoking, littering, driving cars, not recycling
- Enjambment - an idea carried from one line to the next
- Caesura - a pause in the middle of a line
- Quatrain - a stanza made up of four lines
- Stanza - a group of lines in a poem
- Couplet - a stanza made up of two lines
- Octave - a stanza made up of eight lines
- Sestet - a stanza made up of six lines
The given terms related to poetry have been appropriately matched to its definition above.
Enjambment is the literary device in which an idea is continued across a line break without any punctuation to mark a stop or end. It is commonly employed in poetry for continuing a rhythm/idea without any restrictions.
Caesura is demonstrated as the metrical pause in a poetic line at the end of a phrase and before the beginning of another. It is denoted by a comma, two lines, tick, etc. It allows the author to add a dramatic and emotional touch to the idea.
A Quatrain is defined as the stanza consisting of four lines. It is a very popular form employed in poetry to add structure and rhythm.
Stanza is described as the 'group of lines' with a specific rhyme and meter. It helps in giving form to the ideas in a poem.
Couplet is a couple of lines rhyming at the end which allows rhythm in poetry.
Octave and sestet are the stanzas consisting of eight and fourteen lines respectively. They together contribute to formation of petrarchan sonnet.
According to;
The Englishman Robert Hooke (18th July 1635 - 3rd March 1703) was an architect, natural philosopher and brilliant scientist, best known for his law of elasticity (Hooke's law), his book Micrographia, published in 1665 and for first applying the word "cell" to describe the basic unit of life. It is also less well known that there is substantial evidence that Hooke developed the spring watch escapement, independently of and some fifteen years before Huygens, who is credited for this invention. Hooke also is recognised for his work on gravity, and his work as an architect and surveyor.Tl;dr He was an architect and a great scientist and philosopher.