Ty yes i did last week :]
It's 1
Tactics refers to the methods used to achieve goals. Tactics can range from totally threatening to wholly inducing, and usually actors should use a wide variety to create believable interactions. If an actor has, for instance, the goal "to threaten" then various tactics might be used to threaten.
answer: historical reachers use scrap books, speeches, journals, letters and diaries, photograges, audio recordings, video recordings, films, archives and manuscript material, published books, newspapers and magazine clippings published at the time.
Example: Speeches: mlk’s speech. Newspaper: news in the newspaper about Rosa parks. (Thats only two but you see where I’m going)
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What is Transparent Monofilament Thread?
It's semi-translucent. You can even use monofilament WITH light colors and dark colors. Most of them are thick.
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Take care, Eric