Exercises, almost, walks, work
I hope you are just checking to see if you are right, because if you seriously don't know the answer to this you should be talking to you parents.
B- you girls HAS to finish your homework, NO THAT'S NOT RIGHT C- DOESN'T YOU UNDERSTAND, do you talk like that? NO YOU DONT because its wrong! Lets skip ahead you get my where I am going with this, A- Have I said anything to worry you. THATS RIGHT
A buisness has every right to deny a person from entering their establishment if they do not have on the appropriate protection on during a pandemic. Wearing a mask not only puts other peoples lives at risk, but also your life. Laws have been enforced where masks are permitted to be worn when in public or surrounded by groups of people. if you are caught not wearing a mask, you will get find and possibly arrested. Businesses have every right to kick you out of their establish because they are only trying to protect civilians from the horrifying virus.