Both believe they are correct and justified in pursuing their respective aims.
Both are confronted with tragedy.
Ultima came to stay with the Márez family,
And was encountered by a plea.
Uncle Lucas was cursed by the witches,
And Ultima came to put up the stitches.
Tenorio accused her of witchcraft for his daughter's demise,
But Ultima never fell for such chastise.
Antonio dealt with much concern and inquisition,
And Ultima was there to offer elucidation.
The Telléz family was befell by malediction ,
And Ultima brought their affliction to sedation.
Ultima was a benefactor all the way,
Until her owl was shot on the last day.
In any linguistic language, every word has its semantic role in noun and phrase modification. Therefore, the grammatical functions of the phrase includes giving information about the noun. The main types of speech that were historically grouped.
In simple terms, adjectives are used in describing other words. Therefore different words are used in describing and identifying and other unique things. They usually placed before the noun that they act as modifiers. However, some rules should be followed before using the adjectives
They were laws in the early history of the American south which legalized the segregation between blacks and whites.Explanation: