Alright. judicial: they can declare laws made by Congress to be unconstitutional, this is called judicial review; they can declare executive orders to be unconstitutional as well. they are limited by the executive branch because the justices of the Supreme coart are put in place by the president and confirmed by Congress. they also have to judge based on the constitution which can be amended.
executive: can check the judicial branch through pardoning orders and choosing new justices, can check the legislative branch through suggesting bills, refusing to sign bills, and executive orders (which interpret how the law is enforced) the executive branch is also checked by the legislative branch in how all cabinet members are approved by Congress and the president can be impeached by Congress as well. it is checked by the judicial branch through judicial review of executive orders.
legislative: can impeach the president, confirm justices and cabinet members, and can change the constitution. checked by presidential veto, judicial review, and well their constituents too. hope this helped.
A Divine Council is an assembly of deities over which a higher-level god presides.
government run by its people=representative
the law applies to everyone=rule of law
the government is not all powerful=limited government
citizens give authority=democracy
then the last 2
hope this helps!
sorry if it's wrong.
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