The seed drill allowed more accurate planting (in lines) and led to further advancement and innovation. It allowed quicker production of crops, over larger pieces of land, but required less laborers.
I think a hot-air balloon
You can't really go many places in a hot-air balloon
Cold War concerns about the containment of communism were a priority for President Dwight Eisenhower, who had been a prominent military general before becoming president. His concerns for increasing and strengthening America's national security gave impetus to the plan to create an interstate highway system.
Eisenhower, the former general, had seen how Germany's Autobahn system of highways had been an asset to their strength. He came to see highways as an important part of our country's national defense. When Eisenhower gave a speech to Congress in 1955, to promote the building of a federal highway system, he listed safety on the roads and economic advantages as strong reasons for the huge project. But he also listed a national security reason, saying: "In case of an atomic attack on our key cities, the road net must permit quick evacuation of target areas, mobilization of defense forces and maintenance of every essential economic function. But the present system in critical areas would be the breeder of a deadly congestion within hours of an attack" (Special Message to the Congress Regarding a National Highway Program, <span>February 22, 1955).
Segregation means the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things. meaning 1) the separation of all are correct because they are all being set apart from something or someone.