Tous les soirs, mon frère doit faire ses devoirs, mais le samedi après-midi, il peut sortir avec ses amis. Le week-end dernier, il est allé au centre commercial, où il a acheté une chemise blanche et un pantalon noir. Demain, il va manger des pâtes chez un ami, mais il aime aussi les pizzas et parfois il en mange deux !
I'm from France
It's my mother tongue :)
I hope that help ^^
Bonjour !
<em>For all the verbs ending in -er and -ir, the stem in the future is the :</em>
the infinitive form
<em>examples ►</em>
chanter => je <u>chanter</u>ai
donner => tu <u>donner</u>as
finir ==> il <u>finir</u>a
dormir ==> nous <u>dormir</u>ons
hope this helps ☺☺☺
A. Cet because the sentence is masculine
Answer: Johnny is correct in the beginning when he says zero because the startled birds would fly away after hearing a gunshot. Johnny tricks his teacher into thinking the way the women eat the popsicles is how to determine their marital status, but the simplicity is the one with a ring is the one married.
<span>Forms the sound "er" in French</span>