he decade had its problems. It began with the financial Panic of 1873. Railroads were growing so fast that nearly 6,000 miles were being laid down every year (17,000 miles between 1871 and 1873). With so much new construction, lending was strained and overextended.
♂️ <------------ Here is a little picture to brighten your day up :>
He is in control of the executive branch
Without the executive branch the checks and balances system would fail, which means that one part or in this case two parts of the government would rule the other. The system is put down so that for example the legislative branch can't make laws without the presidents approval, unless overruled, that seem fit to them
The answer is Galileo, however, a scientist much earlier then Galaleo, named Anaxagoras also discover this. However, I believe credit is given to Galileo.
One of the results of the Enlightenment was that people began to think for themselves. This resulted in many people questioning the absolute authority they were used to living under. People no longer believed that kings ruled by divine right
the answer is froeign oil He had a dependance on fereign oil