The state of being foolish. (countable) A thing or event that is foolish, or an absurdity.
The jury’s decision to convict Tom Robinson for a crime he clearly did not commit plagues Jem (and many readers) as an intolerable miscarriage of justice. The most obvious reason justice isn’t served is because the jury’s overwhelming racism prevents Tom from getting a fair trial. Another reason the jury finds Tom guilty is because both Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, both perjured themselves on the stand. In addition to the presumption of an impartial jury, the justice system operates on the assumption that witnesses will tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth” after being sworn in to testimony. But both Mayella and Bob lied rather than admit that Mayella tried to kiss Tom. Tom’s race, combined with the Ewells’ lies, proved enough for the racist jury to find Tom guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of Tom’s innocence.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "A. He is afraid he will lose to Uncle." Wilbur begin to cry when he hears about Uncle because <span>He is afraid he will lose to Uncle. </span>
Encourage women to join the armed forces
WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) was a branch of the U.S. Navy created by Congress during World War II, on July 30, 1942. Due to the severity of the war, women, despite the previous social resistance, got the right to join the armed forces. Before WAVES, they could only serve as nurses in the navy. Women in WAVES (over 100,000) served in support positions - they held clerical positions, served as aviation instructors for male pilots-in-training, engineers, scientists, intelligence agents. Many of them were college-educated, especially scientists and engineers, who were tasked with complex operations such as determination of bomb trajectories.
This letter is to ________ (add someone special to you)
I can't explain how grateful I am for you coming into my life with enough words. You have had such a profound influence on my life. Without you, I will not be the person I am today, and I am certain that you would continue to motivate me to become a better version of myself.
Since I know you don't believe in stuff happening for a reason, I'm willing to believe that you were brought into my life for a reason for both of us.
You've shown me that I have a story to tell and that it counts. You've also shown me that my story is valuable to others. I will unlock doors that would otherwise be locked by being genuine and vulnerable. It wasn't until I began honing my skills that I realized what I was missing. I just truly wanted to thank you for being a great ____ {friend} {mom} {sister} {dad} {anyone} -Love _____ { your name}
Everyone can use this letter