In this era, the top speeds were about 100 MPH. When the pilots ventured ten miles over the enemy lines, that was a notable event. The pilots carried no parachutes. The airplanes were made of wood and canvas; when they caught on fire, it spread quickly, and spelled certain death for the occupants.
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Upon entering a modern record store, one is confronted with a wide variety of choices in recorded music. These choices not only include a multitude of artists, but also a wide diversity of music categories. These categories run the gamut from easy listening dance music to more complex art music. On the complex side of the scale are the categories known as Jazz and Classical music. Some of the most accomplished musicians of our time have devoted themselves to a lifelong study of Jazz or Classical music, and a few exceptional musicians have actually mastered both. A comparison of classical and Jazz music will yield some interesting results and could also lead to an appreciation of the abilities needed to perform or compose these kinds of music. Let's begin with a look at the histories of the two. The music called classical, found in stores and performed regularly by symphonies around the world, spans a length of time from 1600 up to the present. This time frame includes the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary periods. The classical period of music actually spans a time from of 1750 to 1800; thus, the term Classical is a misnomer and could more correctly be changed to Western Art Music or European Art Music. European because most of the major composers up till the 20th century were European. Vivaldi was Italian, Bach was German, Mozart and Beethoven were Austrian; they are some of the more prominent composers. Not until the twentieth century with Gershwin and a few others do we find American composers writing this kind of art music. For the sake of convention, we can refer to Western Art Music as Classical music. Jazz is a distinctively American form of music, and it's history occupies a much smaller span of time. Its origins are found in the early 1900s as some dance band leaders in the southern U.S. began playing music that combined ragtime and blues. Early exponents of this dance music were Jelly Roll Martin (a blues player) and Scott Joplin (ragtime).
Politics is the way a group of people make decisions or agreements so Culture influences the daily condition of the society
Muckrakers were the journalists who uncovered corruption in businesses and government.
First of all, it should be mentioned that Rudyard Kipling was a renowned author of short stories and books, among them the famous The Jungle Book, which tells the story of Mogli. In this sense, it is also worth mentioning the advent of Neocolonialism, which used the notion of race domination to justify the capitalist expansion it wished to undertake. Kipling was one of the minds harnessed by Neocolonialism, and his works, which preached the inferiority of non-white people and, consequently, white supremacy, can be considered racist because they aimed at the reduction of individuals based on racial criteria, at the same time time that can be considered ethnocentric because they place the Caucasian European man as the center of the world, superior to the others, and who, therefore, would have legitimacy to govern everything and everyone.