The movement of the plates makes the oceans waters move very roughly and fast
Last year we had the most handsome of ducks -- a mallard. He was with us until the end of June at which time the water on our property dried up. I have a feeling his mate got tired of sitting on the nest all the time and demanded he help. They built their nest in a thicket that was impossible to get near. We knew about where it was, but it did us no good.
We did get to see the young ones once or twice. It is amazing how quickly they grow. By the end of September, they were all ready to go south -- even the young ones.
This year is very dry -- there's no water for them. So we have not seen the mallards or ducks of any kind and no geese either. We all miss them.
The lunar eclipse happens when the Moon goes through the Earth's shadow. Earth dependably has a shadow, which is made by the Sun. On those uncommon events when the Moon, Earth and the Sun are altogether arranged perfectly, the Moon goes through this shadow.This would happen each full moon if the Moon circled around the Earth in an indistinguishable plane from the Earth circles around the Sun.
They are both contiinents in the western hemisphere.
They both have a few countries.
They both have mountains.
They both have deserts