An important goal of the study of psychology is to figure out the ins and outs of the brain.
Answer: Political parties have proven to be more successful than any other group in terms of nomination
Explanation: Although other social groups participated in the nomination and appointment of candidates for office, they were not as successful as the political parties that have literally evolved in the business over time. With the expansion of the electorate and political parties were increasingly engaged in mobilising as large an army of voters as possible. In this way political parties have institutionalised themselves in order to carry out this very important, if not crucial and essential task, on which the influence and survival of the party depends at the end of the day.
Which movement describes Van Gogh's artistic style?
yt · How Convert
4 days ago
4. Identification, description, and the interpretation of the content of images.
<u>Iconography is literally translated to “image writing”, and as such, it studies interpretation of the content that is presented on the image or painting. </u><u>It can describe what is on the image</u> – the number of figures and items, placing, description, gestures – <u>but it also classifies the elements and symbols that show up.</u> It also explains various symbols and decodes them, and is, therefore, an important part of the semiotics.
Over the course of art history, part of iconography started focusing more on Christian art, its symbolism, and artistic expressions.