I agree because I am doing online school currently and my grades are so much better than last year it helps a lot.
Jennifer Granholm, the Governor of State in Michigan gave a speech that commemorates Rosa Parks. At the end of her speech, she gave great emphasis that Michigan is ready to do their duty because they are enlisted in the war for a cause. She also tells that people are continuing the struggle that Rosa Park had started.
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Hope this helps
an abandoned Church
In chapter 4, Ponyboy and Johnny get attacked by a gang of Socs, and Pony almost dies as Bob Sheldon attempts to drown him in the park's fountain. Johnny comes to Pony's defense by stabbing and killing Bob Sheldon. After Pony regains consciousness, Johnny explains to him that he murdered Bob Sheldon and says that they need to leave the park immediately. <em>Johnny then mentions that Dally can get them out of trouble and remembers hearing him say that he would be attending a party at Buck Merril's place. Pony and Johnny end up visiting Buck Merril's party after they leave the park and ask to speak with Dally, who comes to the door.</em> After they explain what happened, <u>Dally helps out Pony and Johnny by giving them a gun, money, clothes, and directions to Windrixville, where they can hide out for several weeks in an </u><u>abandoned church</u><u> on Jay Mountain.</u>
Light is opposite of dark. Antonyms mean opposite of each other.