United States deployed a total of 697,000 troops. 143 were killed in action (96 Army soldiers, 22 Marines, 20 airmen 20 and 5 sailors).
This means 0.02 % of deployed United States soldiers were killed in action during the Gulf War.
Article I sets up the legislative branch, which is Congress.
The Congress is made up of the HOR and the Senate.
The main job of the legislative branch is to make laws.
Congress can collect taxes, coin money, and declare war.
The Senate has 100 members and the HOR has 435.
There are 3 branches in our government, the Legislative (makes laws), executive (enforces laws), and the judicial (the law, and decides if someone broke a rule). The Senate has 2 senators per state, and 50x2 is 100 senators. The number of representatives depends on the population of the state.
True the o.ed was printed after two years of reaserch
The spread and enhancement of Enlightenment Ideas can be accredited to Salons hosted by women like Madame Geoffrin. Philosophers, authors, and economists would go to these Salons and exchange ideas of the economy and government. The salons would become "public spheres" which was recognized by Jürgen Habermas' The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere. Women's rights got a huge boost as women could learn from the philosophers inside the Salons.
Strong because they had many territories and had a control over China