Jaws and a swimming bladder
A defining characteristic between sharks and rays that distinguish them from ray-finned fish is the *possession of jaws in sharks* and rays;and the *possession of swimming bladder in ray-finned fishes*.
Characteristics of sharks and rays are as follows :
They are cartiiliginous fishes; they possess *strong jaws* lined with teeth; body dorsoventrally flattened, fusiform (spindle shaped) with heterocercal tail(diphycercal in Chimaeras); paired fins; *no swimming bladder or lungs*; pelvic fins in males often modified to form clappers; Gill arches internal to gills; reduced notchord; lateral-line system; paired nostrils; internal nares absent; separate sexes; internal fertilization and direct development; oviparous, oviparous, or ovoviviparous. Examples include, Spiny dog fish or dog shark, Ray Raja, Chimaera.
Characteristics of ray-finned fishses:
They generally lack paired fins; no internal nares; *air sacks usually function as swimming bladder*; skeleton usually well ossified. Blind olfactory sacs (do not open into the mouth); Tail homocercal. Examples include Tilapia, Claris,and Polypterus.
organism growth
because an organism starts to grow by using system and all and not only cells i guess
Floodplain refers to a region of low-lying land adjacent to a river, produced primarily of river sediments and are subjected to flooding. Thus, floodplain can be correctly matched with a strip of land next to a river that is usually very fertile.
Bed load signifies towards the particles in a flowing medium, generally water, which is translocated along the bed. The bed load comprises of small or large boulders and moves by sliding, rolling, and/or hopping (saltating). Hence, bed load can be correctly matched with large boulders carried along by a river.
Suspended load refers to the part of the sediment, which is conducted via a flow of fluid that settles gradually enough like that it almost never touches the bed. It is held in suspension via the turbulence in the flowing water and comprises particles usually of the fine silt, salt, and clay size. Hence, the suspended load can be correctly matched with small rocks carried along by a river.
Headwaters are witnessed in the upstream of the river, the source of the headwaters is generally its starting point, that is, it can be a marsh fed upstream, or from an underground area. Hence, headwater can be correctly matched with the beginning of a river.
Transfer genetic material from one generation to the next, and to determine the phenotype of an organism, phenotype is organism's expressed physical traits.
The correct answer is - B. An allele present in all members of a population.
A homzygous variant or allele for all the members of a particular gene is a fixed gene and is the only variant that presents in all the population for that gene.
It takes place when there is all other alleles become extinct and only one remains. The allele frequency of this allele is always 1.00 in the population which means only one allele is present on the locus.