New crust, sometimes islands/mountains
Divergent boundaries are when two tectonic places are moving away from each other. In the current configuration of Earth, that happens in the ocean.
When plates move away from each other, they leave a gap. That gap is filled with lava that solidifies quickly and forms now crust. If the ocean floor is relatively shallow, and the lava pressure is big enough, that can lead to the formation of new islands, mountains/volcanoes on top of the gap. That's basically how the Galapagos islands were created.
Slaves had no rights
Slaves did not have rights in the slavery times because they were seen as lesser people who were just meant to be slaves. They had no rights because we didnt see them as real humans
The main reason airplanes fly in the stratosphere is because this is where the least amount of turbulence is found. In addition, because the stratosphere is very dry, there are fewer clouds in this layer, making for a much smoother ride overall.
A divergent Plate boundary is where new ocean floor is created.
Extra: A convergent plate boundary (Oceanic-Oceanic, Oceanic-Continental, Continental-Continental) is where crust is destroyed.