Free time can be different for every person. In my case, I use my free time to:
- Hang out with friends.
- Watch movies or tv shows.
- Hang out with my family.
- Play sports.
<h3>What is free time?</h3>
Your free time is the time where you do not have to work (if you work) or study (if you study). It is the time when you can choose what to do and it varies depending on the person.
Some people play sports in their free time, others play musical instruments or hang out with the people they love.
Check more information about free time here
Segun yo ,la mayoria de los umanos tienen un ano por atras
Atlanta esta muy poplado pero la comida es muy deversa tenemos tacos Mexicanos, comida China, y korenana. El clima es typicalment muy calente pero hay muchos puestos y artas actividas en el parke olimpico