Answer: I woke up. It was blurry, the sun was shining on me, ugh so much light! "Wake up Summer!" someone yelled at my face, I didnt know who it was, my vision was still blurry, then the person who yelled at my face, handed me some water to drink. I hear the ocean, swish-swoosh, I felt the sand on my hand, I got up and saw sand. Where Im I? "Summer, you finally up!" Happiness came from that voice, but I didnt know who she was. "Who are you?" I said, "Summer, its me KT! Cmon lets go find Dana!" She said her name was KT but I still didnt know who she was, or Dana whoever she is. "Whos Dana?" I was so confused. "Summer, stop playing games!" KT said.
If you play basketball
You'll find it's a nice sport after all
Did you mean like a poem? sorry that's all I got
He inclinations the American individuals to maintain a strategic distance from long-term inviting relations or competitions with any country, contending that connections with or enmity toward other countries will as it were cloud the government's judgment in its outside policy.