oh I didn't know there's separate ones, let me solve it since I got time.
Prefix: affix added to the beginning of a word.
combining form: a word part which must attach to a word in order to be useable in a word.
suffix: affix added to the end of a word.
inflection: affix that gives grammatical meaning such as tense or number.
affix: syllable added to a root word to change its meaning.
comparative: degree of comparison formed by adding (er).
love: root word of lovable.
superlative: degree of comparison formed by adding (est).
bound morpheme: modified form of a word that occurs only in combination.
free morpheme: an independent word.
I do not follow along with news wether local or global culture. Because, almost most of the time the media just petrays the negative side of the world. And it can be difficult to decipher what is always negative or if they are just pertaying one part, but it is mostly positive. There is so much more to this world then negative, and to put your mind in a state where your just watching and reading someone elses opinion, without actualy seeing both sides <em>can</em> be unhealthy.
Hope this helps!!
At lunch, Scout rubs Walter’s nose in the dirt for getting her in trouble, but Jem intervenes and invites Walter to lunch (in the novel, as in certain regions of the country, the midday meal is called “dinner”). At the Finch house, Walter and Atticus discuss farm conditions “like two men,” and Walter puts molasses all over his meat and vegetables, to Scout’s horror. When she criticizes Walter, however, Calpurnia calls her into the kitchen to scold her and slaps her as she returns to the dining room, telling her to be a better hostess. Back at school, Miss Caroline becomes terrified when a tiny bug, or “cootie,” crawls out of a boy’s hair. The boy is Burris Ewell, a member of the Ewell clan, which is even poorer and less respectable than the Cunningham clan. In fact, Burris only comes to school the first day of every school year, making a token appearance to avoid trouble with the law. He leaves the classroom, making enough vicious remarks to cause the teacher to cry. At home, Atticus follows Scout outside to ask her if something is wrong, to which she responds that she is not feeling well. She tells him that she does not think she will go to school anymore and suggests that he could teach her himself. Atticus replies that the law demands that she go to school, but he promises to keep reading to her, as long as she does not tell her teacher about it.
d. Empiricism
As empiricism is basically an experience derived from senses. So here through the text we can see that empiricism is very evident.