The Civil War influenced the role of government in the United States because it highlighted how the national government was the sovereign power. Following efforts by states to succeed and establish their own system of government the national government of the U.S. asserted is dominance and defeated the southern belligerents, thereby reasserting its dominance over politics and government in the United States following the war.
The depression was caused by a number of serious weaknesses in the economy. ... America's "Great Depression" began with the dramatic crash of the stock market on "Black Thursday", October 24, 1929 when 16 million shares of stock were quickly sold by panicking investors who had lost faith in the American economy.
On October 3, 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt met with miners and coalfield operators from the anthracite coalfields in Pennsylvania in an attempt to settle the strike, then in its fifth month. The country relied on coal to power commerce and industry and anthracite or “hard coal” was essential for domestic heating.