The Odyssey, an epic, was written by Homer, a renowned Greek epic poet. The prequel to this book is The Iliad and leads off with the end of the Siege of Troy and the disappearance of Odysseus. The Odyssey is set in a time ten years since the fall of Troy in the kingdom of Ithaca, a dark time where the missing hero Odysseus is still nowhere to be seen. Told in the perspective of his beloved son, the plot outlines the search for Odysseus.
displayed is something you put out to show like cake or cookies
"Boredom was a terror almost as awful as the work itself."
This is the metaphor that Gary Soto uses in the text "One Last Time. " In this text, Soto describes both boredom and work as awful "terrors." This shows that Soto finds it difficult and disheartening to engage in either of these activities, as he does not enjoy work or rest. The image conveys the idea that Soto has lost all drive and motivation. This metaphor contributes to creating a tone of sadness and desperation.
The narrator uses negative feelings when he looks at the House of Usher. He feels scared and that there is an anti-sublime qualities to the house. The tarn, the mist, the fissure running down the house, no traversal he had seen on his journey shows how away from reality this house is.
It should be like this: The plant can holds 3.5 liters in its largest pitchers. 3.5 liters is more than half-a-gallon.