"O, never/Shall sun that morrow see!" means "The morning when Duncan leaves here will never come, because we're going to kill him tonight." "Your face, my thane, is as a book where men/May read strange matters" means "By looking at your face, everybody can see what you're thinking." The rest of the speech means "To fool everybody, you have to behave the way everybody expects you to behave. You have to make sure that the way you look, the way you act, and the way you talk all seem to be giving Duncan a friendly welcome. You have to seem harmless even though you are secretly deadly."
Selection two sounds best as it mentions that anything is possible.
The beginning of the story
It is likely that this passage is supposed to be placed at the beginning of the story. This is due to the fact that the passage deals with the beginning of the family's lineage. Moreover, the passage describes how the two gods had children, and how these children became the sky and the earth. We can conclude that the author believes this to be the beginning of the world.
Fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
The President of the United States is the most important political figure in the nation, being the leader of the executive branch of the federal government and, therefore, the head of state and government of the United States of America. The main tasks of the President are the exercise of the executive function of the federal government, that is, to administer the country and to supervise the correct fulfillment of the laws.
The position of President is designated by means of elections, in which the Electoral College designates which candidate will be the one to carry out said function during the 4 years following the election. The President can be reelected for another 4 years, but only once, after which he will not be able to access that position again.
Today, the President is Donald Trump, although Joe Biden was elected to fill that position from 2021 to 2024.