Answer:The Nepalese agricultural sector is dominated by the production of basic staple grains. About 82 percent of cultivated land is planted with cereal crops, but basic staple grains contribute only about 30 percent of agricultural Gross Domestic Product (DFP). Since the share of high-value crops in total cultivated area is still small, the desired process of agricultural diversification is struggling to be noticed at the aggregate level.
Present Progressive
Complete the dialogue with the options provided below. You may use some answer choices more than once.
Ethan: ¡Hola Carlos! Estoy (34)acompañando a Gloria en el aeropuerto para viajar a Machu Picchu. ¿Está contigo?
Carlos: Ella (35)esta buscando las llaves de su carro para ir allí. ¿Y tú, qué haces?
Ethan: Estoy (36)comprando los pasajes para una excursión en barco.
Carlos: Gloria ya encontró (found) sus llaves, ella está (37)alistando la maleta para salir.
Ethan: Tu mamá y papá, ¿vienen con Gloria?
Carlos: No, ellos (38)estan tomando café. También, mi mamá está (39) viendo una película y mi papá (40) esta leyendo una revista.
Ethan: Gloria está (41) cerca al aeropuerto, ¡nos vemos el lunes!
Where are the directions?
1. hijastra (the others are jobs and stuff)
2. nieto (this means grandchild the others mean inlaws)
3. artista (artist, the rest are about family)
4. novio (means boyfriend, the rest are family)
5. his (the rest are familial)
6. amiga (this means friend, the rest are step family or half family)
Let's read!
Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.
Hello friend, my name is Pedro and the people in my family are always going somewhere.
I'm going to the concert now. My brother Felipe is going to the post office. My sisters
Celia and Gabriela are going to the airport. My parents are going to the outskirts. My friend
Javier is going to the bank. Bernardo and Miguel are going to the capital.