A dead body on the floor, covered in scarlet red blood. Bones were scattered out everywhere
Basically its saying as long as you reach your goal it doesnt matter how you got there. this is my opinion... ever heard of the tortoise and the hare? even tho the tortoise was obviously slower he crossed the finish line because he didnt stop to rest like the hare did
A nation can influence it's citizens through it's noble works like through it's good development steps and measures for weaker sections of the society. If the citizens of a nation live a standard life with security and peace and enjoy their freedom and rights satisfactorily without any problems.The nation is said to be an ideal nationa. So, a nationa influence it's citizens both in the positive and negative way. A nation through it's good policies, plans and programmes can influence it's citizens.
redundant, stranded, unseat, unrest, dander, tanners, darned, darted