The team admired the trophy its had won. - no
The team admired the trophy they had won. - yes
The team admired the trophy he or she had won. - maybe
The team admired the trophy her or his had won. - no
The team admired the trophy their had won. - no
The team admired the trophy it had won. - no
If your thoughts lean toward a certain activity then you have an <u>inclination</u> for that activity.
To have an inclination for something means to have a tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way. The root of this word is <em>clin</em>, meaning<em> to lean</em> or <em>to bend.</em> There are many words with a similar meaning, such as <em>disposition,</em> <em>propensity, liking, tendency, affinity</em>, etc. Another common meanings of the word <em>inclination</em> are:
- a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal (a slant);
- an inclined surface (a slope);
- an act of bending, inclining or tilting.
The answer is to discuss the speech he is making. Hope this helps.
the correct rhyme is aabbcc sorry if wrong
would be helpful if there was context