Though each of these revolutions had its own origins, important figures, and results, they were all tied together by three things. First, enlightenment ideas and ideals inspired all of them. Second, each revolution rejected rule without representation. Finally, they were connected by economic and political networks.
The right to use Pearl Harbor as a naval base.
For several decades, the sugar farmers in Hawaii had been economically disadvantaged by United States import taxes tariffs placed on their farm product, and as a result had been making efforts to negotiate for a free trade agreement. There had been two previous attempts at reaching an agreement with the United States which all failed, due to many reasons. The planters sought after a treaty, but the Hawaiian citizens were afraid it would pilot to annexation by the United States.
In the year 1872 The Reciprocity Treaty was signed which allowed Hawaii to trade sugar with the United States without any paying of taxes, duties or tariffs, this greatly increasing plantation profits for the Hawaiians and also gave the United States the right to use Pearl Harbor as a naval base.
Answer: Swinging its industrial might and vast manpower behind France and Britain against Germany and its allies on April 6, 1917, the United States tipped the balance of the conflict and marked its own emergence as a global power
A landowner's point of view.
The given passage is from the contract between a landowner and a sharecropper titled "A Sharecrop Contract" (1882). The contract clearly states the terms of the agreement, which mostly agrees or favors the landowner's interest.
The contract, and especially the given points mostly make points for the interest of the landowner. And the contract seems to be written from the landowner's point of view, for it clearly states the other party as <em>"[they] must sow and plow"</em> which can only be the other person and not the landowner. landowners will not sow or plow the land, so it is quite obvious that the contract has been written from the landowner's point of view.