<span>The answer is letter b.
During this period the U.S. set up a blockade to prevent Russian ships
from passing to Cuba. The U.S. was
alarmed after photos from a spy plane showed Russian missiles on Cuban
soil. This heightened American fears
that Russia would invade through Cuba and use the missile already set up
there. At this point in time, the world
was on the verge of nuclear war. Both
side weighed their options. After a tense period, secret negotiations brought
an end to the conflict. The Russians
withdrew their missiles from Cuba and the U.S. withdrew their missiles from
se comprende la identidad de un pueblo.
La cultura de una civilización se entiende como el conjunto de tradiciones, creencias y costumbres que caracterizan a un pueblo, es decir, lo identifica. La producción artística refleja entonces la cultura, porque el arte es una herramienta de representación, expresión, comunicación, que se refleja principalmente en lo que el hombre vive, piensa y es. La manifestación artística marca un determinado período de tiempo porque representa una época, diferentes tradiciones y por ende cultura, a través de las artes y sus diferentes lenguajes como la música, la pintura, la danza, la artesanía, etc.
During WWll, with white men fighting overseas, African Americans were able to get better job opportunities, and a new law passed saying that blacks and whites had to be in integrated units in the army. But, when the war ended and black soldiers returned to America they weren't greeted with a hero's welcome and instead were treated like all other blacks- they were forced to be segregated. This change from almost equality to none at all really fired up the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950's and 1960's.
Economic distress and resentment of the treaty within Germany helped fuel the ultra-nationalist sentiment that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party, as well as the coming of a World War II just two decades later.