1. Hypothesis Test. Gender bias researchers compared the promotion rate of 412 women in manufacturing management positions to th
e national average which was known to be 75 months for a mostly male population. They measured the number of months each woman worked in middle management. Given a 0.01 level of significance, the correct statistical conclusion is to reject the null. A. True
B. False
2. Hypothesis Test. Gender bias researchers compared the promotion rate of 412 women in manufacturing management positions to the national average which was known to be 75 months for a mostly male population. They measured the number of months each woman worked in middle management before being promoted to senior management, and found an average 79 months (s.d. = 19). Researchers want to know if women are promoted more slowly (i.e. after a larger number of months). What is the correct research conclusion?
A. Evidence suggests there is no difference in promotion rates.
B. Evidence suggests a small difference in promotion rates favoring males.
C. Evidence suggests a large difference in promotion rates favoring males.
D. No way to tell.