John Wesley Powell
The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons by John Wesley Powell is a classic of American exploration literature. It is about the Powell Geographic Expedition of 1869 which was the first trip down the Colorado River by boat, including the first trip through the Grand Canyon.
The Economic history of World War I<span> covers the methods used by the major nations to pay the costs of the </span>First World War<span> (1914–1918), as well as related postwar issues such as war debts and reparations. It also covers the economic mobilization of labor, industry and agriculture. It deals with economic warfare such as the blockade of Germany, and with some issues closely related to the economy, such as military issues of transportation.</span>
The idea that peaceful mind could solve all problems in life helped spread Buddhism. It was especially popular in Eastern Asia because there were no dominant regions at the time and it originated in Asia.
Freedom. He believed that the government should not interfere with the people’s lives as much as possible.