1. The bottom graph matches this statement, because it shows a drastic decrease in population.
2. The top graph matches this statement, because it shows most of the population surviving for quite some time.
3. The second graph matches this statement, because it shows a drastic increase in population.
4. This would be the third graph, because it shows a dramatic increase then a stabilization.
B) FADH2 -- FMN of Complex I -- Fe-S of Complex II -- Q -- Fe-S of Complex III -- Cyt c -- Cyt a of Complex IV -- O2
FADH2 and NADH give their high energy electrons to the terminal electron acceptor molecular oxygen via an electron transport chain. As the electrons move through electron carriers of the electron transport chain, they lose their free energy. Part of the free energy of the electrons is used to pump the protons from the matrix into the intermembrane space. Therefore, part of the energy of electrons is temporarily stored in the form of a proton concentration gradient.
NADH gives its electrons to FMN of complex I while FADH2 gives its electrons to the Fe-S center of complex II. Both the complexes are oxidized by coenzyme (Q) which in turn reduces Fe-S centers of complex III. Cyt c of complex IV obtains electrons from complex III and passes them to CuA center, to heme "a" to heme "a3-CuB center" and finally to the molecular oxygen.
So, the compounds arranged with respect to the energy content of electrons in descending order are as follows: FADH2 -- FMN of Complex I -- Fe-S of Complex II -- Q -- Fe-S of Complex III -- Cyt c -- Cyt a of Complex IV -- O2.
Refer below.
It is a beneficial species types association. The two life forms in the relationship profit by it. This typically happens in light of the fact that every living being needs something different has, so they can exchange.
Flowers that require fertilization are in a mutualistic relationship with the insects that fertilize them. The bloom gives nectar to the bugs to eat, and the creepy crawlies fertilize the blossoms.
Starch is a quick supplier of energy, while ATP is stored energy that is broken apart into ADP when the immediate energy runs ous