Traute Grier explained her experiences as her being scared of the Russians. She felt nothing could ever be worse than falling into the hands of her Russian enemies that had, just three years prior, taken down Berlin. She is telling this in first person point of view, reliving her own experiences.
The House of Representatives have the ability to elect the President in the case of an electoral college tie. Even though this power is not used often, it is a critical part of their job. They must consider numerous factors including what citizens of their district would want, what would help American society, etc. Ultimately, this type of responsibility defines the members of the House as individuals who need to be impartial and reasonable in order to make the decision that is best for the country.
European technological developments in cartography and navigation built on previous knowledge developed in the classical, Islamic and Asian worlds, and included the production of new tools. (such as astrolabe or revised maps), innovations in ship designs. (such as caravels) and an improved understanding of global wind and currents patterns, all of which made transoceanic travel and trade possibl
Who people are and how authority is shared among them are core issues for democratic theory, development and constitution. Some cornerstones of these issues are freedom of assembly and speech, inclusiveness and equality, membership, consent, voting, right to life and minority rights.