Answer: The advanteges of preserving rituals or local communities could be that in the future those rituals can come in handy and probly stop world hunger
Hypermasculinity<span> is a </span>psychological<span> term for the </span>exaggeration<span> of </span>male stereotypical behavior<span>, such as an emphasis on </span>physical strength<span>, </span>aggression<span>, and </span>sexuality<span>. This term has been used pejoratively by some scholars.</span>
La cosas que yo puedo hacer más mejor que ni mi amiga Angela es, usar la tecnología, tocar la batería, y cocinar.
Lo que Angela puede hacer más mejor que ni yo es, hacer la matemáticas y jugar fútbol americano.
<em>Which concept does Roosevelt most likely intend to convey in this sentence? </em>
<em>The answer is, Optimism is important to success.</em>
<em>When Roosevelt reinforces the fact that this nation will endure as it has endured, he does it to tell his people that no matter how it looks today our nation will prosper, no matter how bad it appears to be, this nation has always stood up. American Manifest Destiny, though it refers to expanding his lands by providential order, also gives Americans a providential pull, a lift up, that always takes them forward. Roosevelt is aware of this, but his people has forgotten it, and he reinforces this truth to lift up the moral of the American people.</em>