En África, las personas más ricas y poderosas tenían esclavos para utilizarlos como soldados en las guerras o como una forma de demostrar su poder y su prestigio.
Gulf Coast is the place that will be affected by Ice Wedging.
Gulf coast faces an important issue that will undermine its status as the oil conglomerate in the US.
This is due to the ice welding further up north that has been responsible for global warming, greenhouse effect and ultimately rising sea levels that is a very real issue that pertains to Texas.
Most of the coastline has rich oil resources and is responsible for most of the trade and it stands a chance of being submerged any time now.
This would mean a drastic fall of economy and displacement of the people.
Many fish have an outer covering of scales. Scales protect fish, much like a suit of armor. All fish have a slimy covering of mucus. This substance allows the fish to swim through the water with very little drag and also makes it difficult for other organism to attach to the fish.
At first, explorers were looking for a shorter route to Asia. They hoped that they would find this route by sailing west. As the European countries claimed land in the New World, this gave people a chance to go there to spread Christianity.